Course Curriculum

  • 2

    Module 1: Understanding and Emphasizing Sound Quality

    • Tongue Drum Set Up and Positioning

    • Types of Mallets and Their Uses

    • Finding the "Sweet Spot"

  • 3

    Module 2: Tongue Drum Rhythms for Balance

    • Yin & Yang Intro

    • Playing Yin on the Tongue Drum

    • Playing Yang on the Tongue Drum

    • Yin & Yang Rhythm for Balance

  • 4

    Module 3: Tongue Drum Meditation Techniques

    • Approach #1: The Pulse Rhythm

    • Approach #2: 240 bmp using 16th notes

    • Approach #3: The Rolls

    • Guided Tongue Drum Meditation Example

  • 5

    Module 4: Drumming The Elements as Sound

    • Approach to Understanding The Elements as Sound

    • Earth Sound

    • Air Sound

    • Water Sound

    • Fire Sound

    • Context for When to Choose Each Sound

    • Example 4 Element Song

  • 6

    Module 5: Drumming the Elements as Rhythm

    • Earth Rhythm

    • Wind Rhythm

    • Water Rhythm

    • Fire Rhythm

    • Example 4 Element Song

  • 7

    Module 6: Tongue Drum Rhythms for Relaxation

    • Morning Tongue Drum Ritual

    • Example Guided Morning Tongue Drum Meditation

    • Evening Tongue Drum Ritual

    • Example Guided Evening Tongue Drum Meditation

  • 8

    Module 7: Sound and Space Clearing Techniques

    • Intro and Example Space Clearing Ritual

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    Module 8: Tongue Drum Chakra Balancing

    • 2 Methods and Approaches

  • 10

    Closing: Keep Exploring Your Rhythm

    • Keep Exploring Your Rhythm

    • Additional Resources and Reading Material

Course Instructor

Rhythm Practitioner, Founder of Root Rhythm

Alexandra Ray

Alex is a drum instructor based in Saint Paul, MN. She started playing the drums over 20 years ago and has developed an interest in world percussion. She plays many different types of drums and her current practice integrates the rhythms of the drum with mindfulness and gratitude around nature. Alex has been a member of several percussion groups and performance ensembles in Georgia, Texas, and Minnesota. She is the current Director of DrumHeart, a women's performance drum group, and teaches drum classes and workshops at the Women’s Drum Center.

Enroll In Course

Begin your personal self care practice using your tongue drum and take your playing to the next level with new rituals and meditation exercises!

Here is what is included in this course

  • 25 video and audio lessons

  • Downloadable guided tongue drum meditation audio tracks

  • Instructor-led tongue drum rituals that will focus on grounding, connection and balance 

  • Tongue drum rhythms that connect to the elements of nature and help you explore your own unique rhythms 

  • Additional resources for improving playing technique and creating your own tongue drum personal care practice

  • Access to tongue drum & rhythm Facebook community

  • Unlimited access to review lessons at your own pace

  • Course handout including history and tips for caring for your tongue drum


  • What materials will I need to take this course?

    You will need access to the internet and your own tongue drum. You can still take this course without owning a tongue drum and translate the lessons to other styles of drums, but to get the most out of this course it is helpful to have a tongue drum to practice with.

  • What scale does my tongue drum need to be in?

    Any scale! This course explains the concepts in a way that can be translated to any scale. Even if the design of your tongue drum is different than the ones used in this course, most of the lessons can still be adapted to other styles and brands of tongue drums.

  • What level of experience is this course for?

    This course is designed for people who have previous experience playing the tongue drum and are interested in integrating the tongue drum into a personal self care practice for meditation and other relaxation techniques.

  • Do I really need to take the Tongue Drum Basics and Beyond The Basics Course before taking this one?

    It is not required, but is recommended. There are several reasons I suggesting this. #1) When using the tongue drum for meditation, relaxation or sound healing it’s important to approach playing in a way where you are getting the best sounds from the drum. #2) I’ve noticed from personal experience working with beginners that new players tend to play too loud or too soft (sometimes they don’t even realize it), but the sound can come across dull/flat or too harsh and this doesn’t create a soothing effect. Finding that balance is key and my 2 previous courses include lessons that help find that balanced playing style. #3) With proper hand/mallet control, it makes it easier to play songs/rhythms/melodies with more dynamics. Dynamics are important because it helps guide the mood, feeling and story of the sound. When the rhythms and melodies are played in a seamless flow the listener is able to be guided through the sound in a more relaxed way. #4) It is completely up to you if you decide to just jump right into this course as a complete beginner. If you have already taken my other two courses (Tongue Drum Basics and Tongue Drum Beyond the Basics) you will notice several references from those lessons in this course and we will be building off of some of these foundational lessons to ease into creating sounds and rhythms that are great for relaxation and meditation. You may find it helpful to revisit some of these beginner lessons as a refresher.

  • How will this course improve my knowledge of the tongue drum?

    The lessons shared in this course focus on how to use the tongue drum to enhance relaxation, meditation, morning and evening centering, and grounding. This course offers many tools for those who are wanting to integrate the tongue drum into meditation, yoga, sound healing, breathwork or a variety of other wellness methods, classes and workshops.

  • How long will I have access to this course?

    This course can be accessed anytime you log into your account. There is no end date for this course, so you can take each lesson at your own pace and revisit exercises when needed.

Tongue Drum Relaxation Rhythms

"Looking forward to drumming with you!" ~Alex Ray

All Tongue Drum Courses: